WAY Cables will perform at the Munich High End Show and present their flagship ‘Poetry’ interconnect cables mostly as a balanced XLR iteration, which will be connecting the DAS ‘HD-Player Model 2‘ as a source and WLM audio amplification, but will also be present as speaker cable to active WLM speakers ‘Maria‘.
Analogue RCA version of the ‘Poetry’ cable will connect the WLM preamp and monoblocks, whereas WAY Cables flagship speaker cable ‘Twelve’ will connect WLM floorstanding speakers ‘Franz Ferdinand‘.
Also, WAY Cables will equipped the whole system with electricity using ‘Substance’ power cables and ‘Union’ power distributors, sales of which shall start soon. Visitors will also be able to hear WAY Cables award-winning ‘Silver 4’ interconnects (XLR and RCA) as well as their speaker cable ‘Silver 3 Ana’
High End Show, MOC, Room F220, Atrium 4.2 from 11 to 13 May 2018
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