There are still just under four months to go until the High End Munich show 2019 opens its doors from May 9th  to 12th. Nevertheless, all of the exhibition space at this year’s international Hifi exhibition is now  fully booked. More than 500 exhibitors and all the renowned brands in the industry will be attending the world’s leading Hifi gathering in 2019.

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We may only just be starting 2019, but already the thoughts of the Hifi and Audio Industry are turning towards High End Munich… arguably THE most important date on the Hifi Show Calendar.

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After 35 years of serious recording work for Broadcast Television using Swiss portable and studio machines from Stellavox (the SM8 portables & TD9 Studio machine), and over 40 years experience in the Hi End Audio industry, Artist/Designer/Recording Engineer Kostas Metaxas has finally designed what he hopes will be “the ultimate machine to capture an unrivalled realism with Analogue Tape”. More »

High End Munich 2018 was an incredible show.  Hifi Pig has brought you a huge amount of online coverage and now our coffee-table style, free to download, e-magazine….enjoy! We shall be back in Munich for the High End 2019 show. More »

Stuarts High End Munich 2018 wrap up part two. This is my final report from what has been the best Munich High End we have attended. We covered over 50 Km at the show and met some great people, heard some fabulous systems…and some not so. Hope you enjoy.  More »

May is always a busy month on the Hifi calendar, because of course, there is Munich.  High End Munich is the focal point of the global Hifi industry and we brought you loads of coverage, photos, news and new product launches. We also brought you the sad news of the death of Hifi Industry icon, Dave Wilson. Read on to find out  everything that happened last month. More »

Every year the High End Society has a ‘Newcomers’ stand where they give exhibition space to a few, very lucky, new companies and products.  We always take a great interest in this area as it really shows the future of the industry.  Several success stories have come out of the Newcomers stand at High End Munich over the years, among them PureAudioProjectWestminster Labs and, to name just a few. More »

A truly great Hifi Show is as much about the amazing people you meet, often by chance. Here’s the lovely people we managed to snap during our visit; did we get you?  More »

Part one of Stuart’s wrap up of the High End Munich 2018 Show. Loads of great pictures of some of the best Hifi in the world. More »

Every year the High End Society has a ‘Newcomers’ stand where they give exhibition space to a few, very lucky, new companies and products.  We always take a great interest in this area as it really shows the future of the industry.  Several success stories have come out of the Newcomers stand at High End Munich over the years, among them PureAudioProject, Westminster Labs and, to name just a few. More »

Every year we say the same thing, ‘surely the High End Show can’t get any bigger?’, but every year it does! It is now at the point when no human can actually cover every inch of the show…we have tried our very best but I think Super-human powers would be needed for that! However, being very organised and attacking it with military precision meant that we got to see most rooms and exhibits with the aim of bringing you the most comprehensive and interesting coverage of the show…we even managed to get over to the HifiDeluxe show too and bring you CanJam Munich coverage. More »

Hifi Pig caught up with David Shevyn of GIK Europe at Munich High End and chatted about what I think is a great idea for those looking to add room treatment to their listening spaces. 

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For the first time Munich High End also played host to Can Jam Europe. The event was held just over the road from the MOC and attracted more than 2000 people, proof indeed that the market for headphones and portable audio is continuing to be a healthy one. Here’s a photographic tour of the event which promises to grow in coming years. Congratulations to Juliane Thummel and her team for a job brilliantly done… More »


The next High End Munich will take place from May 9 to 12, 2019 again in the exhibition area of the MOC in Munich. More »

What more is there to add. A bit of a piece on horn loudspeakers we saw at High End in Munich and HIfi Deluxe…

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Every year we say the same thing, ‘surely the High End Show can’t get any bigger?’, but every year it does! It is now at the point when no human can actually cover every inch of the show…we have tried our very best but I think Super-human powers would be needed for that! However, being very organised and attacking it with military precision meant that we got to see most rooms and exhibits with the aim of bringing you the most comprehensive and interesting coverage of the show…we even managed to get over to the HifiDeluxe show too and bring you CanJam Munich coverage. More »

High End Society’s press release summing up the facts and figures of the show, plus read on for the High End Munich 2019 date! More »

In the last three years or so we have seen a steady increase in the number of reel to reel players at High End in Munich and it seems that more and more audiophiles are adopting the format despite the relatively small number of new releases on tape. Of course there are a handful of specialist companies releasing product on tape and judging by the number of people carrying tape around at the show, it is been lapped up. And so, without further a do here’s some of the reel to reel tape players we happened across at this year’s High End in Munich. No words, just pictures of some truly beautiful reel to reel players for your delectation… More »

Turntables were absolutely everywhere at this year’s Munich High-End and so here are some of the ones that stood out on our travels around the show…with a handful from Audio-Deluxe thrown in for good measure. We have no way of seeing everything at the show and know we will have missed a good proportion but hope you enjoy all these lovely turntables.  More »